Very Simple Kernel 0.1.0
User defined functions for the vsk module. More...
#include <vsk.h>
User defined functions for the vsk module.
vsk_Assert_OnFail_t vsk_Interface::onAssertFail |
Called when an assertion fails.
vsk_CriticalSection_OnEnter_t vsk_Interface::onCriticalSectionEnter |
Called on entering a critical section.
vsk_CriticalSection_OnExit_t vsk_Interface::onCriticalSectionExit |
Called on exiting a critical section.
vsk_Task_Class_OnIdle_t vsk_Interface::onIdle |
Called when the system is idle.
vsk_Task_Class_OnStart_t vsk_Interface::onStart |
Called on task scheduler start.